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The Nelson bubble lamps are comprised of an assortment of lights in various spherical silhouettes. Produced in 1952 when Nelson was inspired by a hanging Swedish lamps, he thought it was hard to produce and later on created his own version by combining a resinous lacquer used by the military for protecting decommissioned ships and planes then spraying it over a wire care. His process was more efficient but it paved the way to the many other designs he was able to produced that became an instant mid-century modern classic.
Designed in 1952, the George Nelson Bubble Lamp is style by Designer Editions in a crisscross or diamond like pattern using a steel wire mesh then a stretched plastic shade is wrapped around the spherical bubble. This Designer Editions style is made from a special material to ensure it emits subdued light and reduced glare. It will surely add a touch of softness and luminosity to interiors. The sturdy delicate steel frame makes it look delicate but it has a floating quality that will look well anywhere you place it.
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